Hot Yoga Teacher Training

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learning dialogue

Day 5 : teacher training


Today we began our training with dialogue practice. The dialogue is probably the most pressing issue for my training because I have never been a master of memorization. I have been working with other trainees and it has been improving, but more importantly I am getting to know my fellow teachers as a result.


Following, we had a warm class. Because we have been implementing posture mechanics, many of us are discovering that there are many adjustments to be made to our postures. I tried to implement the knowledge gained from our mechanics session when creating postures Half Moon Pose through Eagle Pose. I believe in my heart that I am improving my form, but it is a work in progress. Hot yoga is a marathon, not a sprint. For that I am grateful.

The class concluded with a meditation led by Zefea, one of the featured instructors. Her knowledge of the practice seems endless and she is very open to sharing all of these gifts with her students. I somehow “fell” into deep meditation as I pictured a horizon in the distance where my third eye ought to be. Peace and clarity and a sort of lightness came over my body. The horizon was like a sunset, crushed velvets, purples and yellows melting together in an evening sky. It’s hard to describe what happened after that because I was focusing on my breath and the horizon.

Slipping dipper into my hips, arms relaxed, mind unburdened, tears began to roll down my face. Involuntary tears. Instinctively, I let them drift freely down my face and neck. They slowly moved down the contours of my chest and disappated. I felt free and exposed. There was no fear, just stillness. What a blessing.

I kept that moment with me throughout the day. I found laughs and excitement with Chandra while taking ginger shots at Ashkers and memorizing new more dialogue. I experienced nervousness while “misplacing” that dialogue during posture clinic later in the evening. Despite the rise and fall of emotions, I kept that peaceful moment close to me and somehow I felt confirmation that everything was exactly as it should be.

Thus far, this training has creating a tremendous amount of growth in me and I feel that it such a gift. I am so thankful for everyone involved with the training and for the Greater Good for bringing me here.


Evolation yoga is devoted to helping you become more Self-centered – in an ego-free way. By combining the powerful physical properties of hot yoga with the awareness-enhancing effects of meditation, evolation’s aim is to make you healthier, happier, and more in touch with that elusive little thing called the Self.