Certified Yoga

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week 1 in the milwaukee yoga teacher training


It’s Saturday morning in Milwaukee, almost a full week into our yoga teacher training. I’m awake and it’s almost time to leave for group study time at the studio. What a week it’s been! New people, new places, new experiences, way intense!

Suddenly, it hits me. I think I might be just a little homesick! This is ludicrous! I travel all the time for work. Why am I feeling so all alone and why now? I’m in a beautiful home with 3 other yogis who are also here for training. They’re great people and we’ve already formed a strong bond. We’re headed to meet the rest of the group here in Milwaukee.

So again, why am I feeling alone and why now?


This is making no sense so I try and shrug it off. I know I’m strong enough to make it. Besides, I’m independent – always have been – always will be. Sworn to fun, loyal to none, that’s what they say! We’ve talked this week about letting our attachments go…

Then it starts to hit me. This week has started a whole new experience. With all the intensity, something is happening inside of me. I’m becoming dependent on people. I’m vulnerable to others around me. The people I’ve been with this week are more than just a group of nice people that I’m spending time with – we’re becoming a group that is building on each other to bring out the best in each of us. I need them and I better be there for them!

This is causing introspection on my part. Not sure if I like this! But I have committed to be open and thoughtful during the immersion of the Milwaukee yoga teacher training from the Evolation Team. Whoa – I think they’re making an impact here. All week I’ve been challenged to think some pretty deep thoughts. Why am I really here?

What started as a chance to become certified as a Hot Yoga instructor has turned into much more. With all the physical aspects of our Hot Yoga we’re learning it’s just a small sliver of a small sliver of what it means to be a yogi. How does my physical relate to self and SELF?

Finished the day, the week, at the studio. A group of us decide to celebrate at a local restaurant suggested by John. It’s a great way to unwind, and build upon the friendships that are becoming stronger. I’m not alone, I’m not homesick, I’m where I belong. Thinking about SELF. It is good.
This is a gift – thanks Evolation!

Joe Emens


Joe recently completed his 250 hour hot yoga teacher training in Santa Barbara, CA after starting his journey in Milwaukee earlier this year.