Certified Yoga

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Teacher Training Graduate YogaStory

by Emma Siuciak

My #yogastory is in three parts – beginning, middle and end. It was blissful and eye opening to read back through my personal notes, and I will cherish these memories forever in my heart. I know that the relationships I’ve made are beyond the limitations of the material and physical reality, and I can feel the inspiration of the energy we created in my heart eternally. Forever grateful.

Today was day one of yoga teacher training! First, we covered the basics of what would be expected from us during the 4 weeks of training (house rules, commitments, etc) and then we went on to learn the first asana. The memorization was a lot harder than I ever could have expected, and I felt like nothing could have prepared me for this other than doing EXACTLY THIS. Exposing myself to the dialogue, the act of reciting the dialogue and performing the dialogue for the 26&2 series made me feel vulnerable. It made me feel unprepared, scared, anxious and definitely out of my comfort zone. Studying and memorizing suddenly felt like the battle to be won! I hope I can live up to my own expectation, and I know the teachers and other students are the best and biggest support group ever. Let’s see where this takes me!

Day four of yoga teacher training is complete! I feel blissful and blessed to have had the chance to meet these wonderful people. I feel like I have known them forever. All of the teachers are so open and easy to talk to, and each person has something wonderfully unique about them that captivates me.

Today we talked about the sutras and Sri Patanjali, which was breathtaking how many similarities there are between yoga and some of the philosophies of “the west” that are unfairly labeled as carrying a negative connotation in yoga circles. We are all trying to understand the same thing – our experiences, the world and our place in it. Because yoga has practice as one of its facets, we are able to practice the asanas as the physical representation of what we strive for in the other facets of experience, such as morality, intention, ritual and connection to a higher realm of being. I am beyond grateful for this experience being a part of my journey. It is incredibly satisfying. Yoga is delicious. Thank you.

So far so good! It’s incredible how effortless it can become to learn the postures. The more you repeat the dialogue, the more you get into the groove. I’m making incredible connections with people, and I don’t even “know” them. It’s like you don’t need to know what people identify with physically any more when you’ve met their souls. We are all baring our souls, vulnerable and open, some days more than others. Breaking into each other’s deepest and darkest corners. Little beams of light break through when we show kindness and compassion. I love these souls because they are kindred and we are one although on many paths. For ours to intersect is a blessing.

Evolation yoga is devoted to helping you become more Self-centered – in an ego-free way. By combining the powerful physical properties of hot yoga with the awareness-enhancing effects of meditation, evolation’s aim is to make you healthier, happier, and more in touch with that elusive little thing called the Self.