Certified Yoga

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Yoga Story: A Profound Experience

Thank you to our recent evolation yoga graduate, Louise Showell for this beautiful #yogastory about completing her online program with us! 

“People say that yoga training is life changing, but I’ll admit I didn’t think it would have such a profound affect on me as it did! 

Becoming a hot yoga instructor has been a dream of mine for years, but there was always something that got in the way. Work, money, timing, fear! Then just as I was about to give up the dream, I received an email from Evolation yoga about their new online training programme. I knew in that instant that it was a sign from the universe telling me ‘now is your time’. 

Even before the training had begun, the Evolation family were so supportive, encouraging and helpful. They are exactly the kind of warm, friendly people you would hope to have on this journey. 

As an anxious person I had many questions and concerns about whether the online training would be as good as doing it in person. How could I possibly ‘teach’ fellow students over zoom. Surely it will be too hard to learn about all the anatomy and physical postures over a computer. I was worried I would be missing out on so much and that it would feel too relaxed. 

But all of these concerns were quickly dispelled. From day one we were thrown into group studies, teaching clinics, posture mechanics and lectures about the sutras and Indian philosophy. There was a never a moment where any one of us felt like we were missing out. 

One of the most fantastic things that came out of this online training was the fellow trainees. I have made amazing connections with people from all over the world that I would never have met otherwise. The experiences we shared can never be forgotten - the tears, the laughter and the support we gave to each other. These people inspired me. Empowered me. Taught me that it’s ok to make mistakes, that people are laughing with you not at you if you say something silly and most importantly to just believe in yourself. That you are enough! 

One of the most powerful and life changing parts of this training that I will take forward with me is the power that comes from just letting go and surrendering. I heard this mentioned a few times early on and whilst I liked the idea, I was convinced that someone like me could never do such a thing. But something happens to you on this journey. You begin to really look deep inside yourself. You see what you are capable of. Who you really are. You learn to let go of all the ego driven thoughts in your head. That you aren’t good enough, or you can’t do it. That all you can do is the best you can, with what you have, with where you are at that time. 

It was an absolute pleasure to do my training with Evolation. I grew as a yoga practitioner and as a person, and it has opened my eyes to a whole new world.”

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