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Hawaii Teacher Training | Flow | 2023

Flow Yoga Teacher Training in Hawaii

A time for paradise and yoga

There's something magical about learning to become a yoga teacher in paradise. The sound of waves crashing against the shore, the smell of saltwater in the air, and the sight of palm trees swaying in the breeze all add to a blissful atmosphere that is perfect for a teacher training.

Evolation’s Flow 250-YTT is comprehensive, as we dove deep into the anatomy and mechanics of each posture, the philosophy behind the practice, and how to sequence a class that flows seamlessly from one posture to the next. Our days were filled with lectures, discussions, and practice teaching sessions. We also took a class at a nearby studio each day, in Bikram, vinyasa, and yin styles.

One of the biggest challenges I faced during the training was getting out of my comfort zone. As someone who had previously trained in yin yoga, I was used to a slower, more introspective practice. Vinyasa, on the other hand, requires a different kind of energy - one that is more dynamic, upbeat, and high-energy. Initially, it was a challenge to find my voice, adjust my tone, and bring the kind of energy that was appropriate for a vinyasa practice.

Another challenge I faced was sequencing. In yin yoga, the postures are held for longer periods of time, so the transitions between postures are slow and limited in number. However, in vinyasa yoga, the postures constantly flow from one to the next, which requires careful planning and attention to detail. We had to consider not only how to transition from one posture to the next but also how to modify the postures for students who may not have the flexibility or strength to perform them safely. Despite the challenges, the training was an incredible experience.

We spent time practicing on the beach outside our house, which added an extra element of beauty and tranquility to our practice. We also had the opportunity to explore the island, including visiting local markets and hiking local trails with extraordinary views.

The training culminated with a final, in which we each sequenced and taught a 60-minute class. It was rewarding to see how far we had come since the beginning of the training. We were able to apply everything we had learned - from the anatomy of each posture to the philosophy behind the practice - to create a class that flowed seamlessly and safely.

Overall, the yoga teacher training in Waimanalo, Hawaii was a unique experience that I am grateful for. It challenged me, expanded my understanding of yoga, and provided me with the tools I needed to become a confident and effective vinyasa yoga instructor. I left feeling inspired and energized, ready to share my love of yoga with others.

By Timothy White

Flow and Yin Yoga graduate