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22 Reasons to Practice Yoga According to Science

Hatha Yoga (the branch of yoga that encompass all physical yoga like 26 + 2 or flow), is a well known form of yoga that involves a sequence of movements that are synchronized with the breath. This branch of yoga is acknowledged for its dynamic and physical nature, which makes it a great choice for anyone who wants to improve their body and mental well-being. In this article, we will discuss 22 reasons why you should practice Yoga, from its physical benefits to its mental and emotional benefits, all of them according to science and studies.

  1. Improves flexibility: A study published in the International Journal of Yoga showed that a regular yoga practice, including Vinyasa Flow, led to improvements in flexibility.

  2. Increases strength: According to the same study Exploring the Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and its Ability to Increase Quality of Life, practicing yoga can lead to increased strength and muscle endurance.

  3. Promotes cardiovascular health: A study published in the European Society of Cardiology found that yoga has the same potential as exercise to reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular disease

  4. Reduces stress: Research on the study The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace suggests that yoga, can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

  5. Boosts immune system function: According to the same study in the International Journal of Yoga, practicing yoga can improve immune system function and reduce the risk of illness.

  6. Improves posture: The study A Physician’s Guide to Recommending Yoga found that practicing Vinyasa Flow yoga can lead to improved posture and spinal alignment.

  7. Enhances focus and concentration: Research published in the study EFFECT OF YOGA ON CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY IN RELATION TO STRESS suggests that yoga It is evident from the results that the students who were exposed to yoga module exhibited enhanced Sort Term Memory and improved Concentration.

  8. Reduces anxiety: A study published in the same study International Journal of Yoga found that Yoga offers an effective method of managing and reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

  9. Improves digestion: A study published in Pain Research & Management found that adolescents with Irritable Bowel Syndrome who practiced yoga reported significantly less gastrointestinal symptoms than those who didn’t, and regular practice helped them manage their IBS symptoms. Another study published by the European Journal of Integrative Medicine also found a significant reduction in symptoms of IBS patients and suggested that a 12-week remedial yoga module could be an effective treatment or integrative option for IBS patients.

  10. Enhances mood: A study called The Efficacy of Yoga as a Form of Treatment for Depression found that there was a significant (P < .001) reduction in anxiety and depression scores and improved quality-of-life took place among yoga group compared to the control group.

  11. Boosts metabolism: According to a study Different Weight Loss Experience: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Behavioral, Physical, and Psychosocial Changes Associated with Yoga That Promote Weight Loss, The findings of the study imply that yoga may offer diverse psychological, physical, and social effects that may make it a useful tool for healthy, sustained weight loss. The yoga practitioners reported less stress eating, reduced appetite, fewer cravings, and a shift toward healthier, more mindful eating. Yoga provided them with social support and healthy role models. The subjects believed that yoga led to physical and psychological changes that supported weight loss including increased muscle tone, improved metabolism, reduced stress, as well as increased awareness, improved mood, and greater self-acceptance and self-esteem. This weight loss experience was markedly different than past attempts, in that the weight loss was easier, and subjects felt more confident in their ability to maintain lasting weight loss.

  12. Increases lung capacity: The study The effects of regular yoga practice on pulmonary function in healthy individuals: a literature review suggests that by practicing yoga overall, pulmonary function appears to improve with a minimum of 10 weeks of regular yoga practice, and the magnitude of this improvement is related to fitness level and/or the length of time the subjects spend practicing pranayama (i.e., breathing exercises).

  13. Improves sleep quality: The study Tailored individual Yoga practice improves sleep quality, fatigue, anxiety, and depression in chronic insomnia disorder, found that yoga had a positive impact on subjective parameters related to sleep and daytime symptoms in chronic insomnia, resulting in fewer arousals on actigraphy. Yoga could be proposed as a potentially useful alternative in Chronic Insomnia, as it is easy to practice autonomously over the long-term.

  14. Boosts self-esteem and positive body image: Research in the study Yoga and body image: How do young adults practicing yoga describe its impact on their body image? suggests that the practice of yoga is associated with improvements in body image over time, particularly among young adults with low prior levels of body satisfaction (Neumark-Sztainer, MacLehose, et al., 2018).

  15. Boosts energy levels: Research published in the same study International Journal of Yoga suggests that yoga can produce an invigorating effect on mental and physical energy that improves fitness and reduces fatigue.

  16. Reduces blood pressure: According to the study Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life, Yoga encourages one to relax, slow the breath and focus on the present, shifting the balance from the sympathetic nervous system and the flight-or-fight response to the parasympathetic system and the relaxation response. The latter is calming and restorative; it lowers breathing and heart rate, decreases blood pressure, lowers cortisol levels, and increases blood flow to the intestines and vital organs.

  17. Improves joint health: Research published in the study Yoga for Arthritis: A Scoping Review, suggests that evidence was strongest for reduction in disease symptoms (tender/swollen joints, pain) and disability, as well as improved self-efficacy by practicing yoga.

  18. Improves immune function: A study Effects of yoga on immune function: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, found that there is evidence from 11 RCTs that yoga may have favorable effects for reducing the levels of anti-inflammatory markers.

  19. Reduces inflammation: According to a study Impact of Yoga on Inflammatory Biomarkers: A Systematic Review, suggested that their findings support the premise that yoga may positively impact inflammatory pathways and the symptoms of existing inflammatory disease. Yoga is a viable mind–body therapy available to nursing clinicians and researchers for use across patients with a variety of chronic conditions.

  20. Enhances cognitive function: Two recent systematic reviews and a meta-analysis concluded that yoga interventions improved cognitive functions such as attention and processing speed, memory, and higher-order executive functions in a variety of populations, including older adults.

  21. Reduces symptoms of menopause: Research published in the Effectiveness of Yoga for Menopausal Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, suggest that the results revealed that yoga effectively decreased menopausal symptoms, with the strongest effects noted in postmenopausal women followed by perimenopausal women.

  22. Improves overall well-being: According to the same study in the International Journal of Yoga, practicing yoga, can improve overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

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