5 reasons why you should go on a yoga retreat

You’ve seen the brochures. You’ve heard your friends rave about it. You’ve marveled at the picturesque settings. You’ve researched yoga retreats to death, but yet you find yourself still needing a little bit more convincing to go on one. Well, here’s five reasons why you should just pack your bags and your yoga mat and go on a yoga retreat.

You will deepen your yoga practice

Away from the usual distractions of your daily life, you will be able to focus solely on your practice. You will typically practice twice a day in a yoga retreat, which will allow you to really get into your asanas. As the number of participants in a retreat is small, you’ll be able to receive more one-on-one time with your teacher and get ample guidance – something that you might lack when practicing in your regular studio where class sizes are usually large.

You will be able to detox digitally

As retreats are typically held away from large cities, you will be able to finally put down your phone, tab and computer and just take in the beautiful setting you are in. This is the chance for you to disconnect digitally and reconnect with yourself and nature.

You will discover new adventures

Pick a retreat across the globe and you will find yourself on a journey of a lifetime. Far beyond just your yoga practice, you will be able to broaden your horizons, learn new cultures and experience new things. You will get to see the world through different lens and perhaps change some of your own perspectives.

You will eat healthily

Most retreats will include daily healthy and nutritious meals. This means you will leave the world of processed food and indulge in clean, whole, organic produce that will be beneficial for your body. You will eat well, and your body will thank you for it.

You will forge lifelong friendships

You will meet new people, whether in your retreat group or on the streets in a foreign land. Some may just be passersby in your life, but there’s a good chance you’ll meet a few like-minded people who will eventually become your friends.

What are you waiting for? Pack your bags. Roll up you mat. Chase your adventure. Namaste.


what is the purpose of yoga?


#beingpresentevo: being present through yoga and life