Our teaching team includes some of the most experienced and knowledgeable senior teachers from the hot, flow and yin yoga community. You will learn from them in small intimate groups and receive one-on-one guidance throughout your training. Evolation yoga is a collective and we offer you the combined wisdom of every member of this growing yoga family.
Zefea Samson
FOUNDER - evolation yoga
Mark Drost
Founder - evolation yoga
Elias Gaitan
John Riccio
Kelly Tripp
Marieke Krämer
Toddy Willis
Melissa Williams
Jacqueline Logeman-Jansen
Jessica Lawson
Irene Romano
Karen Dennis
Ana Fernanda
Julie Bishop
Linda Baffa
Claudia Debs
Christian Scaraglino
Alessandro Giovinazzo
EV Pobar
Eric Bands
Beverly Rose
Julia Kothe
Juliette Snijders