additional yoga training with evolation


looking for another yoga teacher training?

Have you gone through a yoga training and ready to develop your teaching skills in another style? Want to push yourself further and learn even more about the grand topic of yoga? Or just want to learn what it is like to be in the Evolation Collective? At Evolation, we have a lot of opportunities for people looking to grow and improve their understanding and teaching.

come back to any additional yoga training for free

That’s right, as a part of our Evolation Graduate Program any graduate can come back to any training of the same level, wherever, and will not have to pay for the training (accommodation and food rates still apply). Live in Amsterdam and want dedicated teachers to look at your form again? Traveling through Atlanta and want to teach a class and get hands on feedback? Sit in on lectures in Santa Barbara or take another anatomy class in Bali. All spots are open to you forever.


beyond 26+2 additional yoga training

Beyond 26+2 is a 7 day immersion program for qualified hot yoga and Bikram yoga teachers. On this continuing education course you will expand your knowledge of traditional hot yoga and advance your ability to teach the Primary Series.

This short course is designed to reintroduce the major components of teaching as a little reminder for all that has to do with yoga. The beyond 26+2 additional yoga training will also reinforce you as a teacher by allowing you to teach to a group of other trainees and then give you intense hands-on feedback by experienced teachers. It is the perfect little boost to give to your teaching and to reinforce the ideas behind yoga in one condensed week.

secondary training

If you’ve completed primary teacher training and have been teaching for at least 6 months, or you’re already a Bikram or hot yoga instructor, the secondary yoga teacher training program is for you. Here, you’ll learn techniques for teaching advanced hot and flow classes, get a deeper dive into yoga philosophies, and be guided through the steps towards becoming a successful studio owner.

This is a full fledged additional yoga training with topics ranging from philosophy to practice, but has an extra emphasis on studio managing and owning. Some things it goes over are:

  • Studio ownership and management skills from experienced teachers, and professionals

  • Guidance on growing a base of quality local teachers, and strong student community

  • Assistance in identifying studio locations, and financing/lease negotiations

  • Help with studio design and heating operation systems

  • Access to our marketing and advertising resources, including promotional materials, strategic planning, and integration into the evolation website

  • Preparation for a leadership role with evolation, if interested


No matter what your purpose may be (traveling with evolation, hands on feedback, detailed analysis of studio ownership, and so much more), an additional yoga training with evolation yoga will be a wonderful step in the right direction.



Evolation yoga is devoted to helping you become more Self-centered – in an ego-free way. By combining the powerful physical properties of hot yoga with the awareness-enhancing effects of meditation, evolation’s aim is to make you healthier, happier, and more in touch with that elusive little thing called the Self.


Yoga for Patience


troubleshooting balance issues in yoga