practice yoga everywhere you go


According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 80 percent of Americans do not get the recommended amount of exercise they need. The recommendation is just 2.5 hours each week, yet many U.S. citizens fall short. One of the most common excuses is “I don’t have the time.” Laura Vanderkam, writing for The Wall Street Journal, says we aren’t as busy as we think. Vanderkam says switch the phrase “I don’t have time” with “It’s not a priority” to see how it feels.

However, when your busy schedule really does get in the way of your routine, there are small ways you can still squeeze in some time. A great way to do this is with daily yoga practice. Here are a few ideas for how to practice yoga whenever you have a spare moment:



How many times have you arrived at the airport early, only to sit near your gate for hours, waiting to board? Instead of spending that time watching the news or scrolling through your social media pages, do some yoga. Find an unpopulated, quiet place to meditate or practice a few poses before your flight departs.

Whether you have your routine memorized or you need a little guidance, take this time to relax and get in a meaningful practice. For yogis seeking a little guidance, tablets, phones or an iPad Air can be used to find informative online videos.


Get your day started off on the right-food by reciting positive affirmations on your commute to work. Recite statements of intent such as “Every day in every way I am getting better” or “I am healthy and strong and I live life to the fullest.” The more often you use positive affirmations, the more your life seems to resemble them.

While it’s not recommended to go into a deep meditation while driving, you can practice mindful driving. For example, experience the silence. Turn everything off, like the radio and your cellphone. Allow yourself to feel calmer, more relaxed and happier, suggests the meditation experts of WildMind.

On Lunch

Spend your lunch break outdoors practicing yoga. Although nature is most restorative in generous doses, like spending a weekend on a hiking trip, spending your lunch hour outside is better than not being outside at all. Nature can boost creativity, sharpen thinking and relieve stress, reports Business Insider. By rolling out your yoga mat in a local park or green space near your office, you can experience the healing benefits of both nature and yoga. To make your practice more comfortable, keep a set of workout clothes stored in your desk.

At Home

Practicing at home may seem like the most obvious place to practice your yoga routine; however, it’s easy to get distracted. From daily chores, like laundry and cooking, to taking care of your children and pets, practicing at home may prove to be more difficult than you initially thought. To ensure that you spend time practicing at home, create a schedule that outlines the best times to practice. Whether it’s in the morning hours before work or in the afternoon before the kids get home from school, making time for yoga can help you feel happier, healthier and more in-tune with your mind and body.

Ginni Beam


Ginni Beam took her first yoga class in 2010 and fell over a lot, but two years later, she was 500-hr RYT certified and leading classes of her own. She now works for in the marketing department and loves getting to combine her two favorite things--yoga and writing. Ginni is an Arts & Performance major (with a concentration in Creative Writing) at the University of Texas at Dallas. She lives in Garland with her husband and their two wonderful kids.


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