top 5 post yoga snacks


Practicing yoga is the perfect way to stretch and tone your muscles while clearing your mind and relieving stress. After a session is over, though, it’s important to replenish your body with nutrients to fully enhance the effects. So, what should you eat after the Savasana comes to an end? Here are five post yoga snacks that will keep you fit, full and fueled for the day.

1. almond butter and banana toast

This snack will replenish you after even the most strenuous of yoga classes. Spreading almond butter on your whole-grain toast will fill you with fiber, protein and “good fats” that keep your heart healthy. Top your toast with banana slices, which are loaded with potassium, to help rebuild your muscles after your practice.

2. tofu and avocado wrap

Packed with health benefits, this wrap will help you stay strong after your vinyasa flow. Simply spread hummus on a whole wheat wrap, add some seasoned tofu and avocado slices and roll. Both the hummus and tofu have lots of protein, which works to repair and build muscle tissue. Eating avocado after a work-out will also help create strong muscles and give you a healthy glow. Don’t forget about the whole-grain wrap, with carbs that will give you energy for the rest of the day.

3. fresh fruit smoothie

This post-yoga snack will satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth, without adding any unhealthy sugars and fats. First, select your favorite fresh fruits — berries and bananas work best. Then, add them to your blender along with coconut water or soymilk for a great tasting and healthy snack. This combination will fill your body with vital nutrients to keep it functioning at its best. For extra health benefits, throw in chia seeds, flax, or chopped kaleor spinach — perfect for anyone into gardening organically.

4. scrambled egg whites and whole-grain toast

Perfect for anyone who practices yoga in the morning, this snack will help you start your day on the right foot. Egg whites contain plenty of protein without the cholesterol of yolks, and whole-grain breads have complex carbohydrates that will keep your energy high for hours. For a heartier meal, turn your scrambled eggs into an omelet with your favorite fresh veggies, and add in pesto. Put almond butter or fresh fruit slices on your toast for a healthy topping.

5. greek yogurt and granola

Great for any on-the-go yogi whose only calm part of the day is spent doing Chaturangas, this quick snack will give you all you need to push through your busiest days. Greek yogurt is packed with extra protein and calcium to boost healing. The granola you add gives you extra energy and adds fiber for healthy digestion.

detoxifying salad

Skip the plain old garden salad and go for a colorful combo of leafy greens, fruit and almonds. A flavorful salad like this Inner Goddess Salad might be just the post yoga snack that you need to feel healthy and energized the rest of the day. Not only is it packed with vitamins, but this enhanced salad can also help eliminate toxins, cleanse your body and even give your skin a healthy glow.

After the sun salutations and tree poses come to an end, it’s time to replenish your body. Eating fresh, natural foods that are high in protein and filled with nutrients will enhance the toning effect of your yoga practice and keep your post-yoga glow going hours after your last pose. Remember to always hydrate after yoga too! Whatever snack you choose, keep your portions in control and your ingredients fresh to ensure the most health benefits possible. Namaste!

Courtney Gordener


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