Happy Hot Yogi Graduate Story

graduate testimonial Bikram hot yoga teacher training

When I embarked on my yoga teacher training, I did not know what to expect. I figured that I would be able to teach yoga classes afterwards, all while strengthening my own yoga practice. Learning the mechanics of the poses, studying the dialogue, getting a better understanding of anatomy—these were the aspects I focused on when I interviewed Mark about the training. Although I was a last-minute addition to the training session, my decision to join Evolation’s training was not done lightly—I sought advice from local yoga teachers who knew Mark and Zefea, studied the Evolation website, and searched for reviews to ensure the training would be worthwhile. What I can say now, is that I am completely satisfied with my decision to embark on this journey with them. 

With small student groups, the emphasis is more on imparting wisdom and experience with each other, building a true sense of community. Indeed, the other students and I grew quite close, establishing relationships that I expect will last a lifetime. Moreover, I have continued access to the teachers and founders, to seek advice and mentorship as I grow as a teacher. Evolation’s unique program incorporates local, long-time Bikram instructors; a welcome addition to the learning experience, offering different perspectives and teaching styles. 

What I did NOT expect was learning more than the fundamentals of the 26 & 2. Extending beyond the basics, Evolation delves into the philosophy and history of yoga. Offering a glimpse into the foundation of yoga, chakras, ashtanga and the spiritual side, the instructors provide an overview as well as available avenues to further explore these subjects if desired. (Spiritual teachings were not presented aggressively, but rather as a broader application to other religions or personal truths.) Opportunities to employ breathing techniques to calm the mind were plentiful, with meditation woven into the studies. As a result, the hectic pace of training seemed to slow, providing opportunities to go inwards. 

Quietening the mind allowed me to personally LET GO, to truly listen and enjoy the moment without judgment or expectation. Having recently lost my mother unexpectedly during COVID, I developed a sense of peace with my father’s upcoming death, which is quickly nearing. While this struggle is ongoing even today, meditation opened the door for me to begin accepting his death and let go. I know that he will remain with me in spirit, just as my mother is to this day. For this, I am extremely grateful.

While everyone’s experience will differ, if you are on the fence about embarking on your teaching training journey, I strongly encourage you to do so. I kept an open mind about what I would experience, and honestly did not expect the training to have made such a profound difference. And I am so happy to be part of this yoga family!

If you wish to apply and live this phenomenal experience, click the button below!


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