Building Confidence as a New Teacher

You’ve had the most incredible yoga teacher training experience and it comes to an end.  There is always a bittersweet feeling of accomplishment when you finish your training and saying goodbye to your yogi friends that you have shared this life changing experience with. The next natural step is to go out into the world and teach. 

The truth is becoming a professional yoga teacher takes time and patience,  it doesn’t happen overnight.   The first class is always the hardest, but like anything we all have to start somewhere.  

As a new teacher, and as a more experienced teacher it is important to continuously cultivate our self-confidence.

Here are 7 ways to help you to boost your confidence as a teacher

1. Teach as much as you can 

Straight after training get into teaching mode. The quicker you can teach after training the better. It’s normal to feel nervous and slightly scared, that is part of the process, but don't let that put you off doing it. The more you teach the more confident you will become. Teach friends and family. Arrange a small group of people in your local community. 

2. Have a consistent personal practice 

As a teacher we must walk the talk by having a personal practise plus this vital to your confidence as a teacher. The more you feel and understand each posture in your own body the easier it is to transmit to your students though your words. Your personal practice and time alone on your mat will nourish your teaching and yourself in so many ways, empowering and inspiring you in your teaching. 

3. Watch your inner dialogue

Embrace positive thoughts and use affirmations to boost your self confidence. Our mind likes to keep us safe so it will tell you all the reasons not to do something.

“Am I good enough” “Do I know enough.”  Acknowledge all of these thoughts and feelings but know that it is your choice as to whether you decide to listen or not. 

4. Keep studying 

Adapt the life-long learner attitude. Go to workshops and events, try different classes and teachers, read books, watch tutorials and videos.  Keep adding tools to your tool box and incorporate what you learn into your teaching in your own authentic way. Continually building on your knowledge lays the foundation of becoming a confident teacher.

5. Get Feedback

Feedback is fundamental in your growth as a teacher. In evolation trainings we cultivate feedback right from the get go, this is how we can grow and expand as teachers.  Always ask fellow teachers who take your class to give you feedback or you can record your class and ask your teacher trainer to give you some feedback. 

Students tend to give their feedback in a subtle way, for example: Do they come back? Do they feel comfortable asking you questions after class?

Also self-reflect after each class, think about 3 things you did well and 3 things you can do even better for your next classes. 

6. Stay in contact with your teacher trainers

Once you graduate it’s important to stay in close contact with your training teachers, training organization, and fellow graduates. At evolation we spend a lot of time at the end of the training stating that this is the most important thing you can do when leaving the training bubble. In fact it's the best way to stay "in the yoga bubble" and feel forever supported on your journey. The training never ends. Graduation is just the beginning of the journey

7.  Embrace being a beginner 

Remember it is a journey, no one starts off being an expert at anything, it takes time and practise to become an expert in something, so be gentle on yourself and embrace the journey with a beginner's mind.  Be ok with not knowing something, you can always ask for help or advice from someone more experienced. Enjoy and trust the process. 

A common trap many new teachers get into is they think they need to do as many trainings as possible before they can teach. The yoga room is a training ground, so get in there as soon as possible after your training. The typical concerns are:  will I be good enough, what if the students don’t like me, what if I get something wrong or don’t know something or I forget the posture….the list goes on. 

We are all human, and as humans we make mistakes, we sometimes mix up right and left and say elbow instead of knee...this actually shows your students that you are human too. 

Remember as teachers we are here to teach to inspire and empower others, not to get involved in our own insecurities. When we take the attention off of ourselves is the minute we are truly serving.  When we become teachers there is so much fulfillment of helping others and being of service to the world.  Teaching is all about becoming more of who you are, it’s a journey of growth,  learning and expansion into the highest version of yourself. 

Building confidence is one of the fundamentals in the teaching trainings at evolation, all our students are teaching classes before they finish the training.  Our graduates leave the training prepared and ready to teach with confidence. We also offer all our graduates the opportunity to come back to our trainings anytime they wish too. 

“Practice, practice, practice and all is coming”  - Sri K. Pattabhi Jois


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