Virtual yoga teacher training: pros and cons

In this last year the world has changed drastically and life is far different from how it used to be.

We have too, and yoga has to adapt to our current reality.  Online has become the new everything and we can literally do anything and everything online, so why not yoga teacher training? Technology has given us the gift of being able to do things from the comfort of our own home and this is the next natural progression.

Honestly, it couldn’t be a better moment to do a yoga teacher training. With the whole world on stand by with very little travel and social life, why not make the most of this time and invest in your most important asset, yourself. .

Although leaving home and going to an exotic place to do your training is an incredible experience, not everyone can get up and leave their life for a long period of time. So having the online option means you can be at home and still have the opportunity to experience the life changing power of a yoga teacher training program.

Let’s look at the pro’s and con’s of online training: 


  • You can do this in the comfort of your own home 

The beauty of the online world is that we can do it from the comfort of our own home.  Many of our graduates have commented how comfortable they have felt doing it from home. 

  • More flexibility

The schedule is flexible for the training and the best thing is you can come back to the training as many times as you like with evolation. Perfect for people who have families, work and/or other commitments.  Plus the training can be done anywhere as long as you have a good internet connection.  

  • Save time and money  

Teacher training is an investment in yourself and the benefit of doing it online is you can save time by not having to leave your home. You won’t have to travel so you can save money on your flights, accommodation and food.

  • Be part of an online community 

Being part of an online community you will be able to study with your yogi peers, ask questions, have intimate conversations, create a network of like minded people from all over the world and also make lifelong friends. 

By doing an online teacher training you will have acquired the skills of actually teaching yoga online, before this wasn’t a thing in training. Now the online world is very much part of our daily life, so preparing for online teaching will be on any yoga teacher training curriculum. 


  • No in person face to face time

This is probably the biggest fall down, no physical contact with your trainers and fellow yogi’s, there is beauty and power in all being together in the same place to experience a training. Evolation Yoga is focused on overcoming this hurdle as much as possible. Many online trainings are pre-recorded sessions. With evolation all components of the online training are live and interactive. 

  • No adjustments

You don’t get any physical adjustments for your own yoga practise, that is not to say it won’t improve without it. Doing yoga everyday for a period of time will improve whether you are online or offline.  You will learn so much from watching others, and getting a deeper connection with your own  internal discernment. 

  • Full immersion

By leaving your home and all your responsibilities to fully emerge yourself in yoga is truly a gift. Being able to spend a month living and breathing yoga is a powerful and intense experience that will change your life forever.  The biggest advantage that evolation yoga offers is the ability to come to an in-person immersion in the future without having to pay the tuition again. Once you have done our online training you can come in person as many times as you like in the future without paying tuition. You can join for a module or do the whole experience again.

Both online and in person training have advantages and setbacks, the most important thing is to do one, it’s a life changing experience.

If you don't have the ability to travel, don't wait on this amazing experience, start your journey today, you won't regret it. Hear what others have said about our training ..."

“One of the most fantastic things that came out of this online training was the fellow trainees. I have made amazing connections with people from all over the world that I would never have met otherwise. The experiences we shared can never be forgotten - the tears, the laughter and the support we gave to each other. These people inspired me. Empowered me. Taught me that it’s ok to make mistakes, that people are laughing with you not at you if you say something silly and most importantly to just believe in yourself. That you are enough! One of the most powerful and life changing parts of this training that I will take forward with me is the power that comes from just letting go and surrendering. 

Louise Showell, UK

I was nervous about doing my yoga training online, as I’m sure many people are. But being on the other side of it, I feel SO grateful I jumped in and took my first training online from the comfort of my own home. The ease of having my own kitchen only steps away, having my personal space to digest the hard lessons, my beloved bed waiting for me at the end of long days, and my family nearby to support me, made the training process incredibly smooth. Every morning I looked forward to rolling out of bed, making hot tea and jumping onto zoom. Bright and early I got to see the familiar faces of my fellow trainees as we dove into that day's curriculum. I think learning to teach through an online platform, prepared me for the current situation of the world with most classes being virtual.

Stephanie W ,USA

“I began my Yoga journey during the quarantine of 2020. It was March and I had been sent home from my desk job to wait out the initial scare. It seemed a divine chance of fate that I had previously inquired into Evolation Yoga’s teacher training program and, in that way, was a part of their mailing list.

           As things go, I was not the only one adapting to the changes in the world. Evolation was making a big adjustment towards having teacher training offered online. I found myself under the guise of being in control once more. Here was something I could do for myself, in the comfort of my own home and even at my own pace. It seemed I would have a say in the course of my life again.”

Courtney Coburn, USA  

The beauty of training with evolation is our graduates are always welcome back anytime to refresh and enjoy another training experience with no additional cost.  So, doing an online training and then doing it in person when we have more freedom of movement again is getting the best of both worlds. 

Click below for more information on our yoga teacher training programs


Invest in yourSelf with Yoga Teacher Training


Building Confidence as a New Teacher