Invest in yourSelf with Yoga Teacher Training

If yoga has touched your life in some way it is natural that you will consider doing a teacher training at some point.  Yoga teacher training is an investment of energy, time and finances but putting yourself and your wellness first is the most important thing you will ever do for yourself and those around you. It will transform your life but also add more value to other people’s lives.

Investing in training can feel scary at first for many reasons and no doubt numerous questions float around in your mind.

Is it worth spending XYZ on training?

Where will I teach? 

Can only flexible & advanced people be yoga teachers?

How will I make this happen?

It’s so easy to talk ourselves out of doing things and making excuses to not commit to something, however they say the more resistance that comes up the deeper the transformation. 

It really all starts with one decision. 

The decision to say YES to yourSelf, Yes to your growth, Yes to your self development and healing. Yes to doing something you love that makes you feel inspired and empowered.

Here are 5 reasons to take the leap and invest in yourself 

Deepen your practice 

Training will enhance your knowledge and understanding of the postures, the practice, and ultimately yourself. You will learn anatomy, philosophy, alignment, modifications, subtle energies etc and all this will help you to go deeper, ultimately getting to know yourself on a more intimate level. 

Focus on you 

One of the best things you can do for yourself is focus on your mental wellbeing and give yourself the gift of your time. Investing in teacher training is investing in your growth, health and wellbeing. You get to take yourself out of your daily life and  immerse yourself into an environment solely focused on learning and becoming the best version of yourself which will change the direction of your life forever. 

Increase your self-confidence

Whether you want to actually teach yoga or not, investing in yourself and wellness will increase your self-confidence. When we learn something new and acquire more knowledge on a subject automatically our confidence increases.  Learning to teach yoga is a huge confidence boost on many levels.  Many students have said how they feel more confident speaking in public and being seen. 

The transformation

By doing a Yoga teacher training you are sowing the seeds of transformation. Training is so much more than a physical practise, it is growing and expanding into your best self, it is going into the depth of who you are and opening your heart. It is not just you as an individual who transforms, it’s a collective transformation you will experience and being immersed with like-minded people practising and  learning together is extremely powerful. 

Make lifelong connections 

Often when we first get into yoga and our immediate friendship circle doesn't, or they just  don’t seem to get why we love it so much, we can often feel lonely. When we are united by the love of yoga and are surrounded by like minded people we create lifelong friendships and connections, a yoga family!

If you have been thinking about doing yoga teacher training but don’t want to teach, don't let that stop you.  The benefits of training are endless, apart from the yoga glow, you will find inner peace, your relationships will improve, you will exude confidence, believe in your dreams and develop a deep sense of trust in yourself.

“Investing in yourself means you stop drifting through life waiting for things to happen, and instead take concrete actions that bring you closer to your best self.” Nely Galán

Investing in yourself is the gift that keeps on giving. Words cannot express the magnitude of yoga teacher training and the power it has, it will change your life forever on so many levels. 

So, if you are feeling the calling to do yoga teacher training, invest in yourself, trust the process and you will reap the benefits for the rest of your life.

To learn more about our Yoga Teacher Training programs click below


Taking the Leap into Yoga Teacher Training


Virtual yoga teacher training: pros and cons