Yoga Story: 8 Days of Online Yin Yoga Training

Thank you to our recent evolation yoga graduate, Angela Davis for this beautiful #yogastory about completing her online program with us!

My Yin Yoga Teacher Training experience with Evolation Yoga has greatly improved my balance, and I don’t mean in my own body (although I am loving the way my body feels on this penultimate day of my training intensive). I came to this training as a hatha yogi bringing with me a very rich background that includes college-days experience in Kundalini Yoga, subsequent exploration of the many disciplines and lineages of traditional hatha yoga and meditation, and a desire to learn to teach Yin Yoga safely and effectively. I knew coming in that Yin Yoga has its roots not in traditional yogic practices, but as a North American construct with roots in Chinese Medicine and martial arts. Right away, balance!

My original plan was to take vacation time from work and spend eight glorious days in Santa Barbara in a residential training, with no distractions, no other responsibilities, just the opportunity to learn and share the experience with a group of strangers in a strangely wonderful, intimate setting. Then COVID-19 happened. The training was quickly and impressively efficiently organized to occur remotely. With lectures and group study via Zoom, non-Zoom communication via WhatsApp, and our primary instructor teaching from a breezy surfside apartment in St. Martin, the whole experience has taken on an otherworldly quality. Yoga Teacher Training was not a distraction-free, responsibility-free retreat from life. But having our very knowledgeable, very well-prepared lead teacher, Juliette, in St. Martin with the breeze blowing the curtains, and her surfboard propped up behind her, somehow made yoga teacher training on a screen feel a little bit more normal – a reminder that the world is still out there. More balance.

My classmates are all so inspiring — lots of post-hot yoga teachers, studio owners, and athletes, who know their bodies and are comfortable adapting what they learn to fit into their lifestyles and social constructs. This was a different lot from my beloved earthy, spiritual, traditional yogic community in my RYT-200 training. Once again, balance. Balance. Yin to compliment Yang, in yoga and in life!

Want to join in on our next online yoga teacher trainings? Inquire here


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