What to Expect from your Online Yoga Teacher Training

In the ten years since evolation was created, we have grown used to traveling and hosting certified yoga teacher trainings in studios across the globe. We love to make new connections, support others and help them share their passion for yoga and meditation.

In the past few weeks, we have been working around the clock to shift our entire platform online due to the rapidly evolving global pandemic. In these uncertain times, we wanted to reach out and connect with you all to offer a safe space to turn inward.

Not only are we live-streaming daily yoga classes with our teachers around the globe, but our certified yoga teacher trainings will be available to stream from the comfort of your own home!

Here’s what to expect if you’re considering taking this time to complete your certification.

Yoga History & Philosophy

As with anything you’re passionate about, it’s important to understand it from the beginning. We focus on the history of yoga over time, influential people within the yoga lineage, and the many values behind the practice. Together we will study all the must-read literature on yoga history and philosophy, such as the 8-Limbed Path of Yoga, the Bhagavad-Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Asanas (Postures)

With daily live-streamed classes, we will dive deep into our practice together. Outside of class times, you will partake in posture mechanics to gain a deeper understanding of each individual pose. You’ll learn foundational yogic anatomy and physiology, so you can create smart sequences, give modifications for injury, and use proper alignment. You’ll learn subtle anatomy and the Chakra system, as well as how to read bodies and the medical benefits of different asanas.

Pranayama (Breathing)

“Prana” translates literally into “life force”. In our yoga teacher trainings, you will dive deep into how to use your breath as a transformative tool for Self-awareness. When we learn to control the breath, we balance the body and mind, gaining so much more from our practice and daily lives. Study different breath techniques and explore the benefits of adopting them into your lifestyle and teachings.


Take this time to dive deep into the heart of meditation and why it is practiced. With lots of time dedicated to various meditation techniques, you can find the right one for you to learn to silence the mind and find deeper levels of awareness. Meditation allows us to establish a connection with nature and the world we inhabit, to connect with our true Self. Learn how meditation can enhance your practice and your role as a teacher.

The Art of Teaching

Alongside all of the above, we will guide you in your path to become the best teacher you can be for your future students. You will participate in daily teaching clinics to get practice addressing groups of students, correcting postures, and guiding people through a sequence. We will help you to use your own body as a teaching tool and to use your voice, volume, tempo and pacing to be a dynamic instructor. One of the most fun aspects of teaching is how to use energy, passion, confidence and humour. We will help you hold space for your students and share your passion for this practice.

The Business of Yoga

Once all of the above has been mastered, we find it so important to give our students practical information to go out into the world and teach. We will remain a network of support long after you graduate your program. Learn teacher guidelines and etiquette, how to apply for a teaching job, expectations, appropriate conduct and how to give and receive feedback. The best part about training with evolation? When you pay tuition for a training, you can come back and repeat that same program at any other location or date in the future. We value our alumni and will support you throughout you entire yoga journey, from start to finish.


Q&A with Evolation founders Mark Drost & Zefea Samson


5 Benefits of Doing Your Yoga Teacher Training Online