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How to Practice Self Compassion on the Mat
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How to Practice Self Compassion on the Mat

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Sharon Salzberg

Most think of self compassion as simply loving yourself and being kind to yourself, and yes of course there is truth in that, however it goes deeper.

When you practise self compassion you create a sense of certainty and safety within you that allows you to confront yourself and make positive changes in your life. Rather than being harsh and critical with yourself, you will find it ignites you to make changes…

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Taking the Leap into Yoga Teacher Training
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Taking the Leap into Yoga Teacher Training

Imposter syndrome: “the persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud"

Most people suffer, at some point or another in their lives, with imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome stifles our potential and keeps us in our lower self. It stops us from moving forward in our lives and actually making decisions to do the things we truly desire.

Some of the main things that comes up in conversation when people want to take the next step on the yoga journey are…

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Virtual yoga teacher training: pros and cons
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Virtual yoga teacher training: pros and cons

In this last year the world has changed drastically and life is far different from how it used to be.

We have too, and yoga has to adapt to our current reality. Online has become the new everything and we can literally do anything and everything online, so why not yoga teacher training? Technology has given us the gift of being able to do things from the comfort of our own home and this is the next natural progression.

Honestly, it couldn’t be a better moment to do a yoga teacher training. With the whole world on stand by with very little travel and social life, why not make the most of this time and invest in your most important asset, yourself.

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Considering an Online Yoga Training? Read This.
Evolation Yoga Evolation Yoga

Considering an Online Yoga Training? Read This.

I completed my hot yoga teacher training on-location in Hawaii, and my Vinyasa flow training in Santa Barbara, California. I loved the immersive trainings because you could really dive into the experience; a chance to eat, sleep and breathe yoga for four glorious weeks. I had made amazing connections with my fellow trainees, I was inspired by the amazing Evolation trainers who guided us through the program, and I grew as a yoga practitioner and as a person.

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How to Naturally Boost your Immune System
Evolation Yoga Evolation Yoga

How to Naturally Boost your Immune System

Melanie Sanchez is an Evolation Yoga Teacher and nurse, and she’s given us some of her best advice on how to keep your immune system strong and healthy during these times. Thank you Melanie!

Eat more plant-based foods

A good way to do this is trying to add as many colors to your plate as possible. We can always do with more fresh fruits and vegetables!

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