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Yoga for Vitality & Energy
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Yoga for Vitality & Energy

Life can feel so hectic at times with so many things on your plate, from nurturing relationships, building a career and other obligations and trying to include self care time that we can often feel generally exhausted and lack energy throughout the day.

To access new energy, instead of putting Netflix on and lounging on the sofa, spend some time practicing yoga, even if it’s just 20mins. Yoga is the natural energy that boosts your body, mind and soul leaving you feeling revitalised and rejuvenated.

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How to Practice Self Compassion on the Mat
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How to Practice Self Compassion on the Mat

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Sharon Salzberg

Most think of self compassion as simply loving yourself and being kind to yourself, and yes of course there is truth in that, however it goes deeper.

When you practise self compassion you create a sense of certainty and safety within you that allows you to confront yourself and make positive changes in your life. Rather than being harsh and critical with yourself, you will find it ignites you to make changes…

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