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How Yoga Changes Your Perspective
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How Yoga Changes Your Perspective

The human being has a tendency to look at what they haven’t done or achieved, rather at looking at what they have actually achieved.

What’s important is the way that you see things. Your perspective creates your worldview and your reality and shifting your perspectives is vital to live a peaceful life…

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The Power of Yoga Teacher Training
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The Power of Yoga Teacher Training

Every year as yoga becomes more and more popular, thousands of people sign up for teacher training programs. Most people go with the intention to deepen their practise but little do they know how much it can change the course of their lives…

Teacher training is so much more than the physical part of yoga, it’s a journey of self discovery, like no other. The whole experience will challenge you and stretch you out of your comfort zone in more ways than one, it will be an unforgettable time in your life, filled with personal growth and expansion…

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The Power of the Breath
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The Power of the Breath

Did you know we inhale and exhale approximately 20,000 times per day?

It is something we do automatically without even thinking about it.

Breath work is great for treating anxiety, depression, grief, sadness, anger, the list goes on, it is also powerful for gaining clarity, creativity, feeling more connected, gratitude, and increased self-love.

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Taking the Leap into Yoga Teacher Training
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Taking the Leap into Yoga Teacher Training

Imposter syndrome: “the persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud"

Most people suffer, at some point or another in their lives, with imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome stifles our potential and keeps us in our lower self. It stops us from moving forward in our lives and actually making decisions to do the things we truly desire.

Some of the main things that comes up in conversation when people want to take the next step on the yoga journey are…

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