The Power of Yoga Teacher Training

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things it transforms the person who sees”

BKS Iyengar

Every year as yoga becomes more and more popular,  thousands of people sign up for teacher training programs. Most people go with the intention to deepen their practise but little do they know how much it can change the course of their lives.

Teacher training is so much more than the physical part of yoga, it’s a journey of self discovery, like no other. The whole experience will challenge you and stretch you out of your comfort zone in more ways than one, it will be an unforgettable  time in your life, filled with personal growth and expansion. 

Not only do you practise yoga all day, you learn about mechanics of the postures, the breath and anatomy, and also about the workings of the mind through the yoga sutras.  

It might be called yoga teacher training, but really, it’s a life training, learning how to work with your body and mind.

Apart from gaining knowledge on the postures, breath and anatomy,  here are some other benefits of doing a yoga teacher training:

Build confidence 

Teacher training is the ideal opportunity to cultivate more self confidence.  Whenever you learn something new and acquire more knowledge on a subject it automatically increases your confidence.   Confidence comes from within and is something that you build overtime by challenging yourself. Taking a risk and putting yourself out there by learning to teach yoga is a great way to do that.

Act with integrity

The practise of yoga helps to develop integrity by addressing the individual as a whole person: mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It encourages honesty (the practise of satya). When you can be honest with yourself and others you become a more trustworthy and genuine human. Learning to speak your truth and act from your heart and leading with authenticity only leads to good things.

Improves the relationship with yourself

Svadhyaya (self-study) is a huge part of the yoga journey. Knowing ourselves is the basis for any transformation. 

Any yoga teacher training will challenge you in ways you can never have imagined as it asks you to go deeper to really get to know yourself.  Confrontation is part of the practise and understanding your patterns, thoughts and behaviours are part of the transformation. 

By truly getting to know yourself it enables you to let go of what no longer serves you and things that you realise are not healthy for you. It’s sitting with discomfort and being ok with that. When you can face your fears you will find they no longer have power over you and the relationship you have with yourself gets stronger and you get to know your true self in the process. 

Deepen your practise 

Yoga teacher training will enhance and expand  your knowledge and understanding of the postures, the practice, and ultimately yourself. You will learn anatomy, philosophy, alignment, modifications, subtle energies etc and all this will help you to go deeper on your path, ultimately getting to know yourself and your body on a more intimate level. 

If you're doubting your next yoga move, here is what some of our graduates say:

“A spiritual and life changing experience that has set the foundation of my practice of both yoga and meditation, to this day. Special shoutout to Mark who immediately embraced me and saw me; Elias who is my truest guru and helped me see myself beyond my story; Francisco who believed in me and spoke to my whole person; and Monica who left a lasting impression with her expertise about anatomy and her very real vibe. I was a very young yogi at the time of this very big training in my life! I am forever appreciative that they held safe space for me 5 years ago and the seeds they planted have blossomed in the most solid and beautiful way possible! I can honestly say that I would not be the same yogi or practitioner without Evolation as my foundation. Let there be no mistake that this was a spiritual experience that changed my life. I learned and experienced so much in that concentrated time period. I am forever grateful and take Evolation’s energy with me as I teach and work with yoga students.” 

“I highly recommend this training; Evolation Yoga teacher training was invaluable to me and one of the best experiences I've had in my life. It changed me in so many ways. The training not only taught me a lot about yoga but about life in general; I felt a whole new connection with myself. It really added a new perspective to my life and I'm so grateful for all the teachers that were there to enlighten us.”  

“I have been practicing yoga for quite a few years, and feel so much more connected to my practice after studying, listening, and discussing the lineage that makes yoga what it is.  My life has forever changed, my path has become known to me and I'm forever grateful to Evolation Yoga.” 

It doesn't matter where you are in your practise, if you have just begun or have been practising for years. Yoga teacher training will help you to deepen your practise and will initiate you on a journey of self discovery. 

Yoga teacher training is not just about becoming a yoga teacher and getting a qualification – it’s a step towards a greater sense of purpose, peace and balance in your life.  The life skills that you learn during training help you to cultivate more adaptability, resilience, and confidence.

On the other side of the training you will find a stronger, more vibrant and aligned YOU!

So, if you're interested in expansion, growth and becoming the best version of yourself then join us on one of our yoga teacher training.


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