Considering an Online Yoga Training? Read This.

Thanks to Katie Siri, Evolation graduate for this #yogastory on her recent experience in our Yin Yoga Program!

I completed my hot yoga teacher training on-location in Hawaii, and my Vinyasa flow training in Santa Barbara, California. I loved the immersive trainings because you could really dive into the experience; a chance to eat, sleep and breathe yoga for four glorious weeks. I had made amazing connections with my fellow trainees, I was inspired by the amazing Evolation trainers who guided us through the program, and I grew as a yoga practitioner and as a person.


When I entered self-isolation here in my hometown in Canada, I decided to finally complete my yin yoga certification. I’ve been wanting to do this for about a year but haven’t had the time.


I’ll admit I was skeptical about training online. I thought it would feel too informal, and be hard to learn physical postures and anatomy through a screen.


From Day One, I was shocked at how much this online program felt like the real deal. We started with an orientation session, and I got to know all of the amazing women I’d spend the next 8 days with. We dove right into learning about the history of Yin Yoga, the postures, and the basics of teaching. After so many empty days in quarantine, it felt great to wake up with a purpose and a schedule.  


It felt like such a pleasure to join these women I’d otherwise never meet, from all across the continent to learn together. The comfort of home was such a wonderful benefit of the program -- I got to practice yin yoga with my dog curled up on the mat next to me, and drink tea from my favourite mug while learning Meridian Theory. By the end of the week, I felt as though I had created so much more space in my body and mind.


This online program broke up the timeline of my quarantine and gave me an entirely new mindset, for which I am very grateful.  

Missed the last Yin Yoga Program? Click the button below to find more information on our upcoming programs!

Photo by: Ingrid Bostrom


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