How to Naturally Boost your Immune System

Melanie Sanchez is an Evolation Yoga Teacher and nurse, and she’s given us some of her best advice on how to keep your immune system strong and healthy during these times. Thank you Melanie!

Eat more plant-based foods

A good way to do this is trying to add as many colours to your plate as possible. We can always do with more fresh fruits and vegetables!

Brew some immuni-tea

Boil raw garlic, tumeric, lemon and cinnamon together for this simple and powerful anti-viral tea.


Drink water! Your body works at it’s best when it’s hydrated. Especially in the morning, before you start your day, try to finish one full water bottle. Then aim for 2 litres throughout the day!


Sweat to get rid of toxins. Exercise increases endorphins, endorphins relax you, and a calm nervous system means a strong immune system.

Avoid alcohol & smoking

Alcohol is a depressant and harmful to your mind and body. We all know how smoking effects the lungs. Keep your body clean and strong so more energy can be focused on keeping you healthy.

Wash your hands

You know the drill!

Take immune-boosting supplements

Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant and is even showing positive effects on current Covid-19 patients! Other helpful supplements are zinc (antiviral), Glutoathione (antioxidant), and D3 (immunity), as well as probiotics for strong gut health! Finally, immune-boosting supplements with Astralagus & Maitake Mushroom help support lung health & immune function.

Essential oils

Bergamot, eucalyptus, thyme, cinnamon leaf, tea tree oil, lemon balm, basil, cardamom are great together or on their own.

Practice mindful meditation and yoga

Practicing mindfulness, whether still or in movement, is proven to reduce stress and inflammation, while increasing blood flow and helping us to control our thought patterns. During these times it’s so important to stay calm and grounded to keep the body at rest and relaxation. To help you with this goal, we’re live-streaming daily yoga and meditation classes from our senior teachers around the globe. Join us for a sense of peace and community, available every day.


Health Benefits of Practicing Yin Yoga


Q&A with Evolation founders Mark Drost & Zefea Samson